Mastering Abbreviated Lotto Wheels: Ensuring Your Win Guarantee

Abbreviated Lotto Wheels offer a strategic edge in lottery gaming, promising a minimum win guarantee through careful selection and combination of numbers. By crafting specific combinations, these wheels enhance the probability of securing wins, demonstrating the method's effectiveness across various lotto games. This overview introduces the core concept and benefits of using abbreviated wheels for informed and strategic lottery play.
We are going to use a 6/49 lotto game (pick 6 number from 1 to 49) and Abbreviated Wheel A-6-8-4-4-7 to illustrate how the minimum win guarantee of Abbreviated Wheel is satisfied.

Abbreviated Wheel A-6-8-4-4-7 wheels 8 numbers in 7 combinations for a 6-digit lotto game.

Minimun Win Guarantee: If 4 out of the 6 winning numbers fall into the 8 numbers wheeled, you are guaranteed to have at least one combination with 4 winning numbers.

For example, 05, 08, 12, 19, 22, 32, 41, 48 are the numbers wheeled for A-6-8-4-4-7. The following 7 combinations are generated by our Wheel Generator:

(A) 05-08-12-19-22-41
(B) 05-08-12-32-41-48
(C) 05-08-19-22-32-48
(D) 05-12-19-22-32-48
(E) 05-19-22-32-41-48
(F) 08-12-19-22-32-41
(G) 08-12-19-22-41-48
If you play these 7 combinations and if any 4 of the 6 winning numbers fall into the 8 numbers wheeled: 05, 08, 12, 19, 22, 32, 41, 48, you are guaranteed to have at least one combination with 4 winning numbers.

To prove this, let's use Full Wheel Generator F-4-8-4-4-70 to create all the possible 4-digit combinations the 8 numbers 05, 08, 12, 19, 22, 32, 41, 48 could generate. There are totally 70 such 4-digit combinations. If the 6-digit winning numbers are consisted of any one of these 4-digit combinations plus any other 2 numbers, you are guaranteed to have at least one of the above 7 combination with 4 winning numbers.

You could always win more than the minimum win guarantee. For example, you could win jackpot if all 6 of the winning numbers are among the 8 numbers wheeled. But it is not guaranteed.

The following table shows that:

  • All the 70 4-digit combinations generated by 05, 08, 12, 19, 22, 32, 41, 48
  • Which one or more of the 7 combinations have at least 4 numbers matched accordingly.
You will see that, there are at least one of the 7 combinations matches all the 4 numbers of the 4-digit combination. Some of them have 2 or 3 of the 7 combinations with 4 numbers matched.

 # 4-digit combinations which combinations with 4 numbers matched
1 05-08-12-19 (A) 05-08-12-19-22-41
2 05-08-12-22 (A) 05-08-12-19-22-41
3 05-08-12-32 (B) 05-08-12-32-41-48
4 05-08-12-41 (A) 05-08-12-19-22-41
(B) 05-08-12-32-41-48
5 05-08-12-48 (B) 05-08-12-32-41-48
6 05-08-19-22 (A) 05-08-12-19-22-41
(C) 05-08-19-22-32-48
7 05-08-19-32 (C) 05-08-19-22-32-48
8 05-08-19-41 (A) 05-08-12-19-22-41
9 05-08-19-48 (C) 05-08-19-22-32-48
10 05-08-22-32 (C) 05-08-19-22-32-48
11 05-08-22-41 (A) 05-08-12-19-22-41
12 05-08-22-48 (C) 05-08-19-22-32-48
13 05-08-32-41 (B) 05-08-12-32-41-48
14 05-08-32-48 (B) 05-08-12-32-41-48
(C) 05-08-19-22-32-48
15 05-08-41-48 (B) 05-08-12-32-41-48
16 05-12-19-22 (A) 05-08-12-19-22-41
(D) 05-12-19-22-32-48
17 05-12-19-32 (D) 05-12-19-22-32-48
18 05-12-19-41 (A) 05-08-12-19-22-41
19 05-12-19-48 (D) 05-12-19-22-32-48
20 05-12-22-32 (D) 05-12-19-22-32-48
21 05-12-22-41 (A) 05-08-12-19-22-41
22 05-12-22-48 (D) 05-12-19-22-32-48
23 05-12-32-41 (B) 05-08-12-32-41-48
24 05-12-32-48 (B) 05-08-12-32-41-48
(D) 05-12-19-22-32-48
25 05-12-41-48 (B) 05-08-12-32-41-48
26 05-19-22-32 (C) 05-08-19-22-32-48
(D) 05-12-19-22-32-48
(E) 05-19-22-32-41-48
27 05-19-22-41 (A) 05-08-12-19-22-41
(E) 05-19-22-32-41-48
28 05-19-22-48 (C) 05-08-19-22-32-48
(D) 05-12-19-22-32-48
(E) 05-19-22-32-41-48
29 05-19-32-41 (E) 05-19-22-32-41-48
30 05-19-32-48 (C) 05-08-19-22-32-48
(D) 05-12-19-22-32-48
(E) 05-19-22-32-41-48
31 05-19-41-48 (E) 05-19-22-32-41-48
32 05-22-32-41 (E) 05-19-22-32-41-48
33 05-22-32-48 (C) 05-08-19-22-32-48
(D) 05-12-19-22-32-48
(E) 05-19-22-32-41-48
34 05-22-41-48 (E) 05-19-22-32-41-48
35 05-32-41-48 (B) 05-08-12-32-41-48
(E) 05-19-22-32-41-48
36 08-12-19-22 (A) 05-08-12-19-22-41
(F) 08-12-19-22-32-41
(G) 08-12-19-22-41-48
37 08-12-19-32 (F) 08-12-19-22-32-41
38 08-12-19-41 (A) 05-08-12-19-22-41
(F) 08-12-19-22-32-41
(G) 08-12-19-22-41-48
39 08-12-19-48 (G) 08-12-19-22-41-48
40 08-12-22-32 (F) 08-12-19-22-32-41
41 08-12-22-41 (A) 05-08-12-19-22-41
(F) 08-12-19-22-32-41
(G) 08-12-19-22-41-48
42 08-12-22-48 (G) 08-12-19-22-41-48
43 08-12-32-41 (B) 05-08-12-32-41-48
(F) 08-12-19-22-32-41
44 08-12-32-48 (B) 05-08-12-32-41-48
45 08-12-41-48 (B) 05-08-12-32-41-48
(G) 08-12-19-22-41-48
46 08-19-22-32 (C) 05-08-19-22-32-48
(F) 08-12-19-22-32-41
47 08-19-22-41 (A) 05-08-12-19-22-41
(F) 08-12-19-22-32-41
(G) 08-12-19-22-41-48
48 08-19-22-48 (C) 05-08-19-22-32-48
(G) 08-12-19-22-41-48
49 08-19-32-41 (F) 08-12-19-22-32-41
50 08-19-32-48 (C) 05-08-19-22-32-48
51 08-19-41-48 (G) 08-12-19-22-41-48
52 08-22-32-41 (F) 08-12-19-22-32-41
53 08-22-32-48 (C) 05-08-19-22-32-48
54 08-22-41-48 (G) 08-12-19-22-41-48
55 08-32-41-48 (B) 05-08-12-32-41-48
56 12-19-22-32 (D) 05-12-19-22-32-48
(F) 08-12-19-22-32-41
57 12-19-22-41 (A) 05-08-12-19-22-41
(F) 08-12-19-22-32-41
(G) 08-12-19-22-41-48
58 12-19-22-48 (D) 05-12-19-22-32-48
(G) 08-12-19-22-41-48
59 12-19-32-41 (F) 08-12-19-22-32-41
60 12-19-32-48 (D) 05-12-19-22-32-48
61 12-19-41-48 (G) 08-12-19-22-41-48
62 12-22-32-41 (F) 08-12-19-22-32-41
63 12-22-32-48 (D) 05-12-19-22-32-48
64 12-22-41-48 (G) 08-12-19-22-41-48
65 12-32-41-48 (B) 05-08-12-32-41-48
66 19-22-32-41 (E) 05-19-22-32-41-48
(F) 08-12-19-22-32-41
67 19-22-32-48 (C) 05-08-19-22-32-48
(D) 05-12-19-22-32-48
(E) 05-19-22-32-41-48
68 19-22-41-48 (E) 05-19-22-32-41-48
(G) 08-12-19-22-41-48
69 19-32-41-48 (E) 05-19-22-32-41-48
70 22-32-41-48 (E) 05-19-22-32-41-48

What is a Wheeling System? Why play with it?
How Lotto Wheeling System works?
The 3 types of Wheeling System, the benefits and drawbacks.
The 5 elements of a Wheeling System.
How Minimum Win Guarantee satisfied?

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