Warning against lottery style scam

Wednesday, September 26, 2007 posted 11:41 AM EDT

DERBYSHIRE County Council's trading standard officers are warning against a lottery style scam that is currently in circulation.

Letters claiming to be from La Primitiva Lottery International Promotions Programmes tell people they have won huge amounts in a Spanish lottery then ask for bank details and other personal information.

Cabinet member for community safety, Councillor Clive Moesby said: “If anyone receives this type of letter the best advice is to simply throw it away.

“Scammers are very resourceful and manipulative and unfortunately our trading standards team hear from quite a few Derbyshire residents who have fallen victim to e-mail, telephone or postal scams which can sound too good to miss. Ask yourself, does this sound too good to be true? If the answer is yes then it probably is."

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